Saturday 19 July 2008

Baked Beans

    Aah, the stuff of skint students.  Unfortunately, these do not do well in the kettle.  They are just too thick, and the beans just too glutinous.  Likewise, as you can imagine, they're not too good in The Bad Tempered Toaster.

    So, how can you do beans on toast cheaply and with very little washing up?

    A solution to this seemingly insurmountable problem is as follows:-

    Take two slices of your favourite bread.  Please one slice in the bottom of your sandwich maker (which has already been on for a couple of minutes to warm up...) and spread half a small tin of baked beans on this and the pop the other slice on top.  Close the sandwich maker, and in just a few minutes you've got a toasted baked bean sandwich with very little washing up.  The only thing to watch for is that you don't put too many beans on your bread, otherwise you're going to be cleaning beans off your sandwich maker for a couple of hours.

    Anyway, its delicious.

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