Wardian Scrambled Eggs on Toast.
2 medium free range eggs.
Four slices of bread -preferably wholemeal.
Salt, ground black pepper, ketchup and mayonnaise to taste.
The Cast:
'Brevil' type toasted Sandwich maker.
- Turn on sandwich maker to allow it to heat up.
- Beat together the eggs in a dish, adding pepper if desired.
- Spoon a little of the fat you have been saving in the refrigerator from the George Foreman grill (...otherwise margarine will do...), into all four compartments of the sandwich maker. It should sizzle at this point.
- Place two of the slices of bread into the bottom of the sandwich maker.
- As quickly as you can, spoon on and spread out the beaten eggs on those slices.
- Place the remaining two slices of bread on top of this concoction.
- Before you bring the grill lid down on the bread, spread a little of the fat on top of those slice.
- Bring the lid down and gently squeeze it together until it locks.
- When steam appears from the back of the grill, your eggs are done.
- Gently remove the two now toasted sandwiches and slice into halves. Place on a plate and add ketchup and mayonnaise to taste. And...
- Enjoy!
Dead simple, this. Very little washing up and it literally takes two minutes to make; certainly less time than messing about with a separate bread toaster and a pan on the cooker. A lot less washing up as well...
Nick Ward 16th July 2008
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